Mens Open Padel League


  • Join the league!
    Challenge players of your level
  • Create your profile
    Click on register to create your profile
  • League length
    Each league edition runs for 8 weeks


  • Welcome to your group
    Once the sign up deadline has passed we will place you in a round robin group of 6-8 teams. We’ll send you all the information on your league, the group you’ve been placed in and the other players in your group.
  • Arranging matches
    Players arrange their own matches at a mutually convenient time and location.
  • Playing matches
    You’ll have 8 weeks to play your matches. If you really enjoy playing someone then you can always arrange to practice and play with them more often.
  • Submitting scores
    Once you’ve played a match, submit the score online, you should see a handy "update match & score" button in each league.
  • The league table
    You get points for winning matches, and some bonus points for participating. It’s all fairly straightforward, you’ll find full information on the "rules & regulation" button.

For more information please contact leagues organiser Pawel on 058 507 5300.




per player